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File metadata and controls

175 lines (133 loc) · 4.57 KB
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Standard Uploads
Learn how to upload files to Supabase Storage.
Learn how to upload files to Supabase Storage.


The standard file upload method is ideal for small files that are not larger than 6MB.

It uses the traditional multipart/form-data format and is simple to implement using the supabase-js SDK. Here's an example of how to upload a file using the standard upload method:

Though you can upload up to 5GB files using the standard upload method, we recommend using TUS Resumable Upload for uploading files greater than 6MB in size for better reliability.

<Tabs scrollable size="small" type="underlined" defaultActiveId="js" queryGroup="language"

import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'

// Create Supabase client
const supabase = createClient('your_project_url', 'your_supabase_api_key')

// Upload file using standard upload
async function uploadFile(file) {
  const { data, error } = await'bucket_name').upload('file_path', file)
  if (error) {
    // Handle error
  } else {
    // Handle success
import Supabase

// Create Supabase client
let supabase = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: URL(string: "your_project_url")!, supabaseKey: "your_supabase_api_key")

try await"bucket_name").upload(path: "file_path", file: file)
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey) {

suspend fun uploadData(bytes: ByteArray) {"bucket_name").upload("file_path", bytes)

//Or on JVM/Android: (This will stream the data from the file to supabase)
suspend fun uploadFile(file: File) {"bucket_name").upload("file_path", file)

Overwriting files

When uploading a file to a path that already exists, the default behavior is to return a 400 Asset Already Exists error. If you want to overwrite a file on a specific path you can set the upsert options to true or using the x-upsert header.

<Tabs scrollable size="small" type="underlined" defaultActiveId="js" queryGroup="language"

// Create Supabase client
const supabase = createClient('your_project_url', 'your_supabase_api_key')

await'bucket_name').upload('file_path', file, {
  upsert: true,
import Supabase

// Create Supabase client
let supabase = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: URL(string: "your_project_url")!, supabaseKey: "your_supabase_api_key")

try await"bucket_name")
    path: "file_path",
    file: file,
    options: FileOptions(
      upsert: true

We do advise against overwriting files when possible, as our Content Delivery Network will take sometime to propagate the changes to all the edge nodes leading to stale content. Uploading a file to a new path is the recommended way to avoid propagation delays and stale content.

Content type

By default, Storage will assume the content type of an asset from the file extension. If you want to specify the content type for your asset simply pass the contentType option during upload.

<Tabs scrollable size="small" type="underlined" defaultActiveId="js" queryGroup="language"

// Create Supabase client
const supabase = createClient('your_project_url', 'your_supabase_api_key')

await'bucket_name').upload('file_path', file, {
  contentType: 'image/jpeg',
import Supabase

// Create Supabase client
let supabase = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: URL(string: "your_project_url")!, supabaseKey: "your_supabase_api_key")

try await"bucket_name")
    path: "file_path",
    file: file,
    options: FileOptions(
      contentType: "image/jpeg"


When two or more clients upload a file to the same path, the first client to complete the upload will succeed and the other clients will receive a 400 Asset Already Exists error. If you provide the x-upsert header the last client to complete the upload will succeed instead.